May 2006

First Salmon of the Season Already Caught —- as reported back on April 27 — I’ve already caught my earliest ocean-run salmon of the season — for that matter also my earliest ocean-run salmon of any season.    See our January – April 2006 fishing reports to read more about this experience. 05/02/2006 I talked … Read more

Jan – April 2006

01/01/2006 Welcome to the 2006 Fishing Reports! 04/05/2006 ANNUAL ALASKA OUTDOOR SHOWS Wasilla Outdoorsmans Show — This past weekend I presented a seminar on How to Catch a Prize Winning Fish in the Mat-SU King Salmon Derby on two different days. While at the show I took time to look around and noticed some great … Read more

Oct – December 2005

11/24/2005 Kepler Bradley Lake System near Palmer — My sister`s family came out from Anchorage for Thanksgiving Dinner — but before we ate, we went fishing for about an hour. Fishing was good and the kids (down to 3 years old) caught mainly landlocked salmon of about 10 – 12 inches. They also caught a … Read more

September 2005

09/01/2005 Little Susitna River — I guided 3 people in the morning, each of whom caught a limit of silver salmon. 2 guests caught and kept limits of silver salmon by casting Flashtrap Spinners. The remaining guest caught his limit of silver salmon by casting and drifting salmon roe along the bottom. 09/02/2005 Little Susitna … Read more

August 2005

08/01/2005 Little Susitna River — I guided a morning group of 4 guests who caught 5 silver salmon and about 25 chum salmon on Flashtrap Spinners. 08/02/2005 Deshka River and Susitna River trinutaries — I fished with 4 guests and we caught 8 silver salmon and a couple pink salmon. 2 of the silver salmon … Read more

July 2005

07/01/2005 Little Susitna River — I guided a morning group of 4 guests who caught 4 king salmon, the largest of which weighed 31 pounds. 3 kings were caught on Beau Mac Spinning Cheaters, and the remaining king was caught on a K-13 Kwickfish. Water was good in color, but rising. 07/02/2005 Deshka River and … Read more

June 2005

06/01/2005 Susitna River Tributaries — I guided a group of 5 guests who caught one king salmon which weighed 35 pounds. We spent the entire trip searching for big fish, but only hooked two kings and lost the first one. Both king salmon were hooked on Spinning Cheaters. Water was high and partially off color … Read more

May 2005

05/01/2005 Eklutna Tailrace — I casted a #4 silver and black Flashtrap Spinner at the tailrace for about an hour this morning without seeing or hooking any fish. Even though I had no action, I believe there are at least 3 reasons why there is a greater chance to catch early season king salmon at … Read more

Jan – April 2005

03/11/200 Expanded Fishing Opportunities for 2005. The Alaska Board of Fisheries adopted two regulation changes that will provide signficantly increased fishing opportunities for Mat-Su Valley salmon. The Deshka River will open to bait fishing on May 15 in 2005, which will increase the number of king salmon anglers catch from mid May to early June. … Read more