Driving Directions to Deshka Landing

#2 Directions to Deshka Landing

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#2 Deshka Landing Directions from Anchorage or Wasilla

2 days before your trip — Please call to confirm trip time / location. If fishing conditions are better at another location we would like you to consider that option. 907-746-2199

Estimated Drive Time from Anchorage: 90 minutes, or 50 minutes from Wasilla, if you don’t stop or get delayed by afternoon traffic.

 Take 6th Avenue (which becomes Highway 1 / Glenn Highway) north-east from Anchorage.

 Stay on the main Highway about 35 miles out of Anchorage it becomes the Parks Highway (#3) as it bends towards Wasilla.

 Proceed North through Wasilla and on to Willow, mile 69.

 Look for Willow Creek Recreation Area and Deshka Landing signs at mile 70.5.

 Turn Left onto Willow Creek Parkway and proceed 1.9 miles to the Deshka
Landing sign.

 Turn left on Crystal Lake Rd, driving 2.3 miles to second Deshka Landing sign.

 Turn right on Mishap Road, proceed 2.8 miles to the Deshka Landing gate.

 Take parking ticket. Afternoon Trippers have ticket validated at office now.

Morning Trippers validate ticket before exiting the landing for $10 daily parking.

 Please use restrooms in the back side of the office before your trip.

 To reach boat launch drive across parking lot and down the hill. You can drop off
people/gear at the launch, before parking at the top of the hill.

 Daily parking costs $10, so please bring credit card, cash or check.

 Meet your guide at the boat launch area – ask for Fishtale River Guides.