Coho Salmon Fishing Trips near Anchorage, Alaska
When hooked an ocean fresh silver or coho salmon does not merely fight, it explodes from Little Susitna River showering water in every direction, and jumping, cart wheeling, and tail-walking across the river’s surface. Changing tactics your jumping and tumbling silver switches to lightening-quick bursts of underwater speed. As the silver gradually tires, and you lead the spirited fighter toward the net, watch out for last-effort fireworks. A suddenly ballistic silver salmon on a short line can easily break free, unless you give line immediately. Past Fishtale guests have tried to wrestle exploding boat side coho into the net, rather than giving line and letting the fish make one more run. Results? Shattered fishing rods and cold water showers for everyone onboard. Now that’s excitement!!!
I fish Little Su with my own boat, but when in-laws and friends visit, we often call Fishtale. For once in a lifetime trips, they give us the best opportunity to catch fish and we always have fun.” – Dave Nufer, Palmer, Alaska
Large Schools of Fish – Silver, Chum, Pink, and Sockeye Salmon
If you enjoy catching several big fish during a trip, you’ll likely marvel at the large schools of large fish available on our Alaska salmon charters in late July. Chums start running in late June, with the first silvers following in early July — by mid July you can usually catch several salmon per trip. Around July 20 the number of salmon in the Little Susitna River builds dramatically, as schools of pinks and late-run sockeyes also charge upriver. From July 20 through August 7 you can catch large numbers of silver, chum and (on even years) pink salmon. Sockeye are at peak availability as well, but unless water conditions are ideal, you’ll likely find coaxing sockeye to strike, challenging. Later in our season from August 8 through September 10 fishermen continue catching best numbers of silver salmon, as chum, pink, and sockeye numbers decline. If you are interested in fishing Alaska’s Little Susitna River and would like to see when different fish species are available, please see our Salmon Run Timing Chart.

We highly recommend Fishtale’s guide service. Over the past few years we have used different guides and each one has proven to be excellent. One year we had our granddaughter with us (age 11) and the guide offered guidance, and she was able to land the limit of salmon by herself. We appreciated the guide’s attitude toward a younger person.” — Lynda W. Mathis, Anchorage, Alaska
Uncrowded Fishing – 90 Minute Drive from Anchorage
45 Minutes from Wasilla
Little Susitna River is the best producer of sport caught silver salmon located this close to Wasilla and Anchorage, Alaska. How can such a great wild salmon river, minutes from Anchorage and Wasilla, provide uncrowded fishing in a wilderness setting?
Little Susitna River’s lower 33 miles flow through Susitna Flats State Game Refuge with only one road access, campground and boat launch. Upstream of the Refuge an additional 37 miles of river open to salmon fishing provides boat anglers additional room to spread out on good fishing holes. Fishermen using Fishtale River Guides have boated fish from more than 130 different holes along the river, and rarely fish holes with even one other angler present.
For additional river information see our Free Fishing Reports. Explore Fishtale’s silver salmon trip options and prices or start the booking process for your guided Alaska fishing trip by clicking Pricing & Bookings. You may also place your reservations by calling 907-746-2199.